Instagram Photo Contest - Winter Treks Edition has come to an end but only after receiving more than 1400 splendid entries. Whoa!
We are out of words to show our gratitude to all the participants. Thank you for sharing some outstanding trekking shots on Instagram with #bikatadventures. Everyone really tried hard to showcase their best photo and we loved seeing all of them.
Now our judge will pick the top 3 winners but before that as we promised there would be a Viewers’ Choice Prize too.
"A voucher of INR 6000"
For that, you have to vote for your favorite photo.
The voting option will be available from 16th January until 19th January 2330 Hrs. The entry that receives maximum votes would win the Viewer’s Choice Prize. All winners would be announced on 28th January 2020.
A participation voucher worth INR 500/- will be given to every eligible entry.
Here are the top 20 nominations:
To vote scroll down to the bottom of this page!
1. @creedazofficial (Manav)
2. @men_and_mountains (Ajay Bhatt)
3. @_desi_wanderer (Ankit)
4. @1indian1american (Kavit Dholakia)
5. @ankitvivid (Ankit Verma)
6. @architdhoopar (Archit Dhoopar)
7. @diyexplorers (Laxmi Mordekar)
8. @iamlesstravelled (Rajarshi Chaparala)
9. @lakshpuri (Laksh Puri)
10. @pisceanshi (Anshu)
11. @rushiraj_dev (Rushiraj Dev)
12. @tanmaypande (Tanmay Pande)
13. @thayir_sadam_blues (Aneesh Balasubramaniyan)
14. @thehimalayanridge (Harish Singh)
15. @_view_through_lens (Brins)
16. @vijaykumar_duraiarasan (Vijaykumar Duraiarasan)
17. @vshlkhomane (Vishal Khomane)
18. @wander4ool (Akshay Upadhya)
19. @way_to_eternity (Brijesh Dave)
20. (Sampat Nayak)
Vote For Your Favorite Photo !!!