“No matter which generation we belong, X , Y or the latest Z, we all love anything and everything about the quizzes…”
And here we are not giving a generic statement but something based on our own experience after 2 seasons of Bikat adventures quizzing.
With more than 2000 responses in 15 days our Summer Trek Quiz Contest in every possible ways was much more than what we expected. STQUIZ almost became the talk of the town. social media shares, invites to friends, challenges, bets, and much more was happening all around.
Thank you all for making the 2nd season of the Bikat Quiz, a grand success!
We hope you enjoyed answering the questions as much as we enjoyed setting them.
Now lets have the winners
And the Champion of STQUIZ (Season 2), who has won the Bikat voucher worth Rs 7000 is Email Id swapnilsri88@gmail.com
1st runner up Email Id is - priyadarshivivek3@hotmail.com It has WON Bikat voucher worth Rs 5000
2nd runner up Email Id is - joshi_rachit2005@yahoo.co.in It has WON Bikat voucher worth Rs 3000
Congratulations to all the winners!
All the winners will receive further communications on their personal email as well.
As promised participation voucher worth Rs 500 will be given to all of you who partcipated with legitimate email id.
We look forward to more energetic participation from all of you in future contests too.