Trekkers' Blogs

7 Benefits Of Women Trekking Alone

Sheetal Pawar

Last updated: 22-05-2015

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature." - Helen Keller . The words by the first ever deaf-blind women who earned a bachelor of arts degree and journeyed to become an author are true word by word. As women, most of the time we surround ourselves with “so called” securities and comfort and in this process we don't really give importance to solitude and freedom. Yet, the irony is that we are always craving for the same.

7 Benefits Of Women Trekking Alone

So, if you have been yearning for some me-time and want to look at life with a new and fresh perspective then try trekking. Ok, so the idea of trekking in wilderness sounds like a fun thing to do but sadly you have not been able to persuade anyone to accompany you. Well this is even better news for you. Trekking or travelling alone as a woman can seem daunting, but when it is done in the company of strangers or solo then the benefits are sensational. The following are  are just a few examples of how exhilarating hitting the trail solo as a woman can be:

1) Surge in confidence- A women has many facet in her personality but her confidence dips somewhere down the line while she is busy running her daily errands. The moment you go for a trek alone then you get to see a side of yourself which was hidden beneath the surface of love and care for family, respect for culture, society and bundle of responsibilities. You will be able to realize your potential and will have a new confidence to accept your shortcomings.

2) Solitude- When was the last time you got a break from all the jazz around you and somehow you have made yourself agree to the thinking that a nice novel and a cup of coffee is the best “relaxation time” but think again. Think of snow covered or greenery covered mountains. Think of yourself walking all by yourself in the surroundings which only has sound of breeze for noise, funny looking stray dog for company and trees for support. A “me-time” can never be better than this and when you are encircled by so much serenity then finally you will get time to reflect on your life.

3) Concur Fear- All over the world there are fears associated with women being a solo traveler let alone be a trekker and you have also told a better self of yourself to not think too wild as it could be dangerous. Well, wake up and smell the bean darling. Its no more the time when women needed a man for protection and in reality mountains are the safest places in India. You only need to pack your bag, wear your trekking shoes and head for a trek (yes of course start with a trusted group) and you will feel empowered once you are back.

4) Independence- You have always been taken care of by your parents and then by your husbands or boyfriends or even children that you have lost a sense of Independence. You are dependent on people around you for taking care of your physical health and even for emotional well-being. Its time you should break free from this and let yourself loose in a moment of flurry. Go and learn to enjoy your own company and the company of strangers you go along with or strangers you meet on the way. That moment will bring forth a new -independent you.

5) Healing power- Nature is best known for its healing powers. Think of standing on a mountain and facing the valley, imagine walking through clouds and waking to a picturesque beauty in morning. Feeling relaxed already? Yes trekking is indeed therapeutic in nature and has powers to recover from breakup and troubled past. This is best for making you fall in love with yourself. You will realize that after a difficult trail comes a tranquil and serene place which also holds true in life.

6) Self evolution- During the course of life we loose a sense of who we really are and hence when you go for an adventure activity like mountain trekking or hiking with a group of unknown people then you will know how good or bad you are with strangers, what kind of people you can jell well with, how much physical challenge you can withstand and how much effect all of this has on your emotional self.

7) Proud of yourself- Last but not the least. When you will see yourself walking and climbing happily even after days of trouble, extreme weather conditions and pain then you will feel only one thing for yourself- Immense Proud.

Sheetal Pawar

No doubt I am craziest person I have ever met. I have the audacity to imagine the most biblical and Read more

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  • | 27 October 2017

    I am from Delhi and in a place like Delhi i hardly get time to relaxe myself because we have a very hectic lifestyle but since the time I have started exploring mountains, I feel very calm and happy inside . After every 2/3months i plan treks , explore new places and actually it feels satisfied. Sometimes people call us crazy but i do accept that yes i am crazy for mountains.