Getting out of a kayak is slightly different from getting into one. Almost all beginners fall on their first attempt, which may not look graceful. But it’s okay. Even pro kayakers lose their balance and fall once in a while. Falling is fun here!
Follow the steps below to learn how to get out of a kayak:
Step 1: Land your kayak on shallow waters
Keep paddling until you enter the shallow waters of the shore. Build up some force, lean back, and let the bow of your kayak pierce through the sand on the shore.
Step 2: Pay attention to the placement of the paddle
Place the paddle parallel and closer to your kayak. Make sure you place it slightly towards the dry area onshore so that the water doesn’t wash it away.
Step 3: Release your leg
Open the cockpit by releasing your spray deck from the rim. Now lean back, pull your legs out one at a time, and place them outside the kayak. The kayak should be in-between your legs.
Step 4: Stand up
Hold the sides of your cockpit for support first. Gently apply pressure on your feet and stand up.
Note – Never try to get out of a kayak from a single side. It adds more pressure and disrupts your balance, making you fall.
Sounds easy, right? Read this article once more, practice, and repeat. You will be skilled enough to safely and efficiently step out of a kayak in no time!