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share your adventurous stories

Girish Kumar

Last updated: 03-03-2017

Your contributions are welcome! We invite you to submit your stories from anywhere in the world. We welcome everything from short easy adventures of 2- 3 days to long challenging expeditions involving multiple days.

We get a large number of hits everyday so your story will be seen by a large number of audience. Don't worry if you forgot to note down some important information about a trek you just completed or if spelling or grammar isn't your strong point. We will edit your story & help you with the information already available with us. The idea is to provide an interactive way for you to share your stories with a community of fellow adventurers. Having your adventures on a public website is also a great way to share your stories with friends and family.


What all can I share as content?

In our endeavour of creating more and more relevant content, we have an official policy on content sharing. We believe content sharing from the adventurers is a great way to source relevant and practical knowledge from all over the world. Those who are passionate about trekking, cycling, rock climbing, or any other endurance based adventure related field, can now submit their blog-posts, photos, videos to Bikat Adventures and contribute to the overall knowledge base related to Adventure travel in India.

I am no professional !! Can I also share?

This policy is not just for professionals who are expert writers or photographers but also for those who go on a trek or any other expedition and want to share some of their experience with the larger audience of adventure community. And don't worry if you forgot to note down some important information about a trek you just completed or if spelling or grammar isn't your strong point. Our experts will help you edit and proofread your story. The idea is to provide an interactive way for you to share your stories with a community of fellow adventure enthusiasts.

Do I also get rewards for sharing?

Yes. For the first time in India, Bikat Adventures has formalized a way to say Thank You! We announce a formal structure of Story points for all the content that you share. Below table simply outlines the rewards that you can earn while you contribute towards the larger good of rich information gathering in the field of adventure in India:

Content Type Story Points
Article (Upto 800 words with Atleast 5 High Res. Pics) 1200
Article ( More than 800 words with Atleast 10 High Res.Pics) 2000
Photo Story (Atleast 10 High Res Pics With Relevant Captions) 1200
Photo Story (Atleast 20 High Res Pics With Relevant Captions) 2000
Video Story/VLog (HD Quality) 2000
Photo (High Res only) 50

*One story point = 1 INR

We are nobody to judge you!

The table above is by no means a judgement or valuation of the heartfelt stories that you share, either through blogs, photos, videos, or any other creative expression for that matters. Well, this is not to create a market out there but just to encourage the people who make that extra effort of clicking, writing, or even thinking creatively :). It is just a gesture from the Bikats. That’s it!

How do I submit?

As another first of its kind initiative from any Indian Adventure company, Bikat Adventures has launched a dedicated portal for uploading your articles. Just click the “Earn Story Points” tab from your Dashboard and start sharing the content on your own Bikat blogging handle. You can use pictures, videos or text paragraphs in your article. The feature is very user friendly. Just try out…

Video Stories / Vlogs should be shared through applications like Google Drive or Dropbox. Share with us at

How would you publish my content?

The first step is a review by our experts. Only once the content is approved by the experts, it would be published on our website. We may contact you for certain additions like pictures, etc. that can help in communicating the idea better for the readers. Once published, we feature your content on our website and other social / digital media forums on which we are active. The content will be shared along with your name and brief description about you.

How do I redeem these points?

You can redeem the points by converting them into a voucher. Bikat Vouchers can be redeemed on any of our expeditions (min 3 days) using the voucher code.

Do I need to be a member for submitting content?

No. One need not be a member to submit. You just need an account on our website.

What are the other terms & conditions involved?

  • Once the author has submitted the entry, Bikat Adventures Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to review the entry as per the policy/ terms and conditions mentioned above and also as Bikat Adventures Pvt Ltd. deem fit.
  • The content submitted should be your original work free from any plagiarism. Any Pictures/Video Clippings, used in the submitted content, should have been either originally shot by the author or Published with due permission from the original source and giving appropriate credit.
  • Bikat Adventures would reserve all further rights to use the ‘published’ content on all channels – website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Quora, Pinterest or any other social / digital media platform.
  • Once the content is published, the same would be a property of Bikat Adventures Pvt. Ltd. and no claim either under the Intellectual Property rights or the concerned laws related to it over the content would be recognized or entertained.
  • Published content cannot be copied/reproduced on any other digital forum which includes, but is not limited to, websites, Social Media Portals, etc. by the author any other individual / organization / company.

So if you are into Adventure & enjoy sharing your experiences – we are the website for you!  

Girish Kumar

I love exploring mother nature in all its forms. I am a keen Cyclist, Hiker & a Novice Kayaker. Curr Read more

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  • | 23 March 2017

    Hi.Can we share articles that have already been published before on other blogs or articles that hold affiliations to other adventure groups?Thanks

  • Girish Kumar | 14 April 2017

    Hi There ! You can not published any content which is already there on the internet. Affiliation with other adventure groups is not a problem . Thanks :)