You ran into your neighbor, Sharma Ji, at the shopping mall where he told you that he was taking his family to Dubai for a vacation. Sharma Ji is all sorted.
But what about you? Where are you taking your family for a holiday?
Here is a thought!
Why don’t you take your family on a Himalayan trek?
If you think trekking is not your family’s cup of tea, there are a number of ideal treks for beginners which would make perfect choices for your family.
Also, trekking in the Himalayas is a much cooler way to one-up on Sharma Ji in the game of family vacation.
Before you cast aside the idea, below are all the reasons to convince why you SHOULD take your family on a trek:
Ditch the norm
Taking your family to a crowded touristy place again? Making them stay in a hotel? Planning to visit all the common places where the herd of other tourists will be photo-bombing all your family photos?
Bah! Every year is the same story. Your children are bored with your mundane idea of vacation which is why you should give them a different experience this year. A vacation worth remembering. A vacation worth boasting to their friends in school.
And what better idea there is than taking them for an excursion in the Himalayas? The views are magnificent. There will be no crowd.
Disconnect to connect
When was the last time your family had a real conversation?
If it was a long time back you don’t even remember, then you have a problem.
In this age of digital era, everyone is glued to their smartphones even when they are on a vacation which defeats the purpose of getting together.
But when you are in the wilderness, at a few thousand feet above the sea level disconnected from the social world, you will have all the time to listen to the stories of your children.
Go Team ‘Fam’
Pitch a tent together. Gather wood for the bonfire. Bird-watch with the kids. Glissade in the snow.
Sharma Ji can take his family to any country in the world but he is not going to have an experience as magnificent as on a trek. You bet!
The jamming sessions around the bonfire, stargazing in the night, camping under the stars. Nothing can be compared to the overwhelming feeling of being with your family in the wilderness.
Rejuvenate the bond
Having family Whatsapp group won’t bring your family closer. Trekking will!
Trekking brings out a sense of care and concern in the fellow trek mates. Setting the camp together and sharing food and resources initiate a bond among the group members. They begin to look out for each other during the challenging phases of the trek. They also help overcome each other’s fears and push their limits.
If trekking can forge friendships among strangers, think how much closer it’s gonna bring your family.
Healthy way of vacationing
A study suggests that spending time in nature rather than human-made environment has positive effects on human health. It reduces stress, puts you in a good mood, and improves your cognitive performance.
Not only this, spending some time in the wilderness develops a sense of exploration in your children and make them better at risk assessment and management.
Way to healthy parenting!
Teach your children gratitude
Camping in the mountains amidst the diverse flora and fauna will teach your children to be thankful to Mother Nature. Away from all the luxuries, the minimalist lifestyle in the mountains will teach them the importance of nature conservation and the meaning of symbiosis. Make them understand the value of adventure and nature.
A cooler and cheaper way than Sharma Ji’s idea of vacation
Why take a trip to a foreign land when you can enjoy the beauty of mountains and meadows in your country’s backyard?
Think about it. Trekking is not only easy on your pocket (compared to a foreign vacation) but also high on adventure and exposure.
In your face, Sharma Ji!
Wanna be the ‘Parent of the Year’?
All you gotta do is sign up your family for a Himalayan Trek, pack your rucksack, and head to the mountains.
The captivating views of snow-clad peaks and lush meadows will take care of the rest.