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How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?

Bhoomi Yadav

Last updated: 19-04-2021

Most of us have probably been tying shoelaces since we were five. And it is likely that many of us have also had our laces come undone often.

This can be a pesky issue to encounter on a trek/expedition. Worse still, untied laces can cause trips and falls that can be fatal.

In this article, we will be covering some simple modifications you can make to the usual shoelace tying process to prevent them from coming undone on their own.

If you would prefer to watch a video about the different methods first, Please skip to the end of the article where we have attached a video.


How we usually tie shoelaces:

1. Take both ends of the laces, cross one over the other forming a loop and pass the end through it. This forms a simple stopper knot.

2. Now make loops, popularly known as bunny ears out of both the strings, cross one over the other, and move one loop from beneath.

3. Pull both the ears tight to make a bow.


New/Alternative Methods

Method 1


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


1. Make a simple stopper knot with the two laces.

2. Before tightening the stopper knot, run one of the strings once more through the hoop, forming 2 loops around, and then pull the strings tight.


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


3. Take one string and make a bunny ear. Wrap the other lace around the thumb holding the bunny ear once. Wrap it again creating another loop over your thumb.


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


4. Now move the other string through this loop such that it forms a bunny ear as you pull it out through the loop. This will give you 2 bunny ears.


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


5. Pull both the ears tight to make a perfect bow.


Method 2


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


1. Make a simple stopper knot with the two laces.

2. Before tightening the stopper knot, run one of the strings once more through the hoop, forming 2 loops around, and then pull the strings tight.

3. Take both the strings and make bunny ears.

4. Cross both the bunny ears one over the other forming a hoop at the centre.


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


5. Move one bunny ear, from beneath, through the hoop formed. Do not pull it tight to form a bow.

6. Now, move the other bunny ear through the hoop but in the opposite direction.


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


7. Pull both the ears tight to make a bow.


Method 3


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


1. Make a simple stopper knot with the two laces.

2. Before tightening the stopper knot, run one of the strings once more through the hoop, forming 2 loops around, and then pull the strings tight.

3. Make bunny ears out of both the strings.

4. Cross both the bunny ears one over the other forming a hoop at the centre.


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


5. Move one bunny ear from beneath through the hoop formed. Do not pull it tight to form a bow.

6. Now, move the same bunny ear through the hoop again in the same direction.


How to tie shoelaces so that they don’t come undone on their own?


7. Pull both the ears tight to make a bow.

Essentially, in the above-mentioned methods, we double-knot once when making the stopper knot. It’s all about making a strong knot than a weak one.

Check out the video we have put together for further assistance.



Did you know looping the lace in different ways around the metal buckles on your trekking shoes can alter the fit and relieve certain pressure points on your feet?

Read next: How to loop a shoelace through the metal buckles on your trekking shoe 

Bhoomi Yadav

I am pursuing an MBA degree while simultaneously engaging in activities that I love! Read more

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