Narayana Acharya

An Orthopaedic Spine Specialist practicing in a small town with a passion for travel & outdoor activities. Into trekking since about 4years for its beauty & not the risk or adventure. Long distance cycling has become a recent interest & building it up.

Articles by this Author
Trekkers' Blogs The Goecha La Diary - April 2021
09 August 2021 | Narayana Acharya

Just returning from a high-altitude trek in the Himalayas and thought I'd share the nature's beauty & my day-to-day jottings. Though on my wish list for the past 2yrs, the opportunity to do the G...

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Trekkers' Blogs Learning from The Kumara Parvatha Shoe
10 September 2021 | Narayana Acharya

How I, who prided myself as a veteran trekker with 'n' number of treks under my belt, was humbled by this shoe....

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